Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Right now

The sun is sinking, throwing its golden rays against the ugly gray of a crowded freeway, making even the mundane romantic in its soft light.

I wish that my mundane could be beautified as easily, just a tiny kiss of heaven to gladden the realities of mean bosses and misunderstandings, of loneliness and large bills.

But, it is. I struggle to recall… it is. That though I can’t see it and often fight it, I’m surrounded by Grace in the midst of my frustrations and heartaches. That golden rays shine down in the unconditional love of a Father, brightening my days, whether I choose to see it or not. He holds me in His hand. He loves me when I am most unlovable. He never abandons, never fails, never puts me second.

This is true right now, just as it was a year ago, just as it will be years from now. I think in such small terms. Right now is where I get stuck.

But right now – the sun is sinking, throwing its golden rays…