Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.


I’m all about new features on the Creative Outlets these days. Book reviews, shopping and now LISTS?! What ever will become of my old pointless ramblings? My charm is being swept up into productivity and deadlines – but it’s healthy and about time I started acting like a grown-up with a schedule, don’t you think? Yes, yes you do, you’ve just been too nice to say so. I feel ya.

Anyhoodle, my blog-queen friend Katie has been doing lists of all kinds for a year or so on her blog, and since i never saw a good idea that I didn’t want to steal, I’m all over it. Hence, my first-ever list post… a list of the lists that I hope to write about on this here bloggie. (Nothing like stating your intention to perform and then NOT perform and but still call it performing. ‘Tis an art, dear ones.)

  • List #1  – The ways in which my life is desolate without coffee (actually this might never happen, it’s just how I feel today because our coffeemaker broke this morning. Or, perhaps we are ushering in a new era of desolation until we can buy a new coffeemaker. Both are bleak, but sound utterly fascinating to read in list-form, right? Right.)
  • List #2 – Every reason you can imagine why I love and hate my smartphone. Scintillating stuff, this.
  • List #3 – Valerie shout-outs AKA any list of favorite movie/book/actress/music/musical/actor/entertainment whatzit. All of these will be made with Val, the world’s biggest fan and List-Making Princess, in my heart.
  • List #4 – Destination lists – favorite things about everywhere I’ve lived or traveled.
  • List #5 – Food? Recipes? (Side story: Adam and I were at a volunteer meeting at church and they played one of those get-to-know-you games. You know, “Stand up if you’ve never broken a bone” etc. etc. One of the questions was “Stand up if you cook dinner five nights a week or more” myself and ONE OTHER DUDE stood up in a room of 70 people. Everyone was teasing me and asking if they could come over for dinner… I was a little too concerned about what they eat to answer. Why don’t you cook for yourselves, my loves? Do you need recipes from me? Never fear, I can supply them, although they will be heavy on the red meat and the Crock-Pot usage, so be ye warned.)
  • List #6 – Hilarity. Just kidding, I have no idea. I will be begging for your assistance within weeks, dear readers, so be prepared with listy ideas!

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