Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Food Network, baby.

I love cooking shows. I love cookbooks. I love making up recipes and hoping that they don’t combust or taste like bad gravy on a Goodyear tire.

Yesterday I made some lemon-lime-raspberry muffins and sent them to work with Adam for testing this morning.  So far I’m hearing good feedback, although I’m beginning to think I need to set up a little recorder to really get detailed reports like I’m hoping for.

There’s something creative and freeing about cookery, not to mention all the pretty wedding-ish accessories that I love an excuse to use.  It’s a creative outlet and stress relief to cut up potatoes and measure flour and fry sausages, although washing dishes still remains decidely mundane.  Tonight, however, my husband is going to grill up some Carne Asada, and I am going to enjoy not cooking for an evening.  I’ll probably end up baking something tomorrow to make up for it… or maybe just watching the Contessa show me how.

1 comment found

  1. Hear, hear. Cookery is creativity. (Though I secretly – sometimes – even find washing dishes relaxing.)

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