Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Carnitas. CARNEY-TOSS. Carneeeeeetaz.

We went to early service at Mariners this morning, and whenever we go to early service, I find myself starving by 10 a.m., moaning about how it totally has to be lunchtime already. Adam held me off for a couple of hours (I quelled the tummy grumbling with Diet Coke,) and then we went to Chronic Tacos, AKA heaven with salsa.

I got Carnitas Nachos, which happen to be the most incredible taste sensation ever, and also about twice the size of my head. So, you know. Filling.

Now Adam’s watching golf and I’m trying to figure out how to make room for ice cream in my little tum, because it sounds so delicious but the carnitas is not sharing space. What a piggy. Ha.

Next up, time to water my plants, walk on the beach with my honey, clean the kitchen. Aren’t you glad you tuned in, Friends of Valerie and Sarah-Jane? This is riveting writing you can’t get anywhere else, people. I’m sweating here, writing this minutia for you all. It’s purely selfless, plus the fact that I want Tiger to just win already, so Adam and I can go for the aforementioned romantic stroll.

Happy weekend, friends. Eat some Carnitas.

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