Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

A Season of Flakeyness

My dear friend Amy suggested that perhaps, although I’m not a flakey person by nature, I’m simply going through a “Season of Flakeyness” right now. Which I think about sums it up.

More proof that this is a season is the realization that despite the fact that I tend to fight every inevitable thing that comes my way and worry about it all the time, I’m kindof OK with being flakey right now, mostly because I have way too much going on to spend a great deal of time worrying about it, and because I am kindof buying into the theory that this is just a season and I’ll get through it and be on my way to responsibility and phone-call-returning and hanging out soon enough.

It is kindof a drag though, seeing as how I had to deny two hangout requests from two of my very most favoritest people and I cannot wait to have a morning to myself and a sandwich with a friend somewhere sunny and chit-chat with no time constraints. Also, I want a morning with my husband with nowhere to be and nothing more to do than be together.  Also, I hope that you all forgive me for being Flakey McFlakerson and sticking with me through this bummer of a season, which I’m crossing my fingers will be peaced out by Monday. (Is that too soon? Am I worrying too much again? Am I forcing myself out of a season too quickly? Am I worrying about forced out of a season too quickly? AHEM. Sorry. It’s a season. Thinking floating-through-the-season thoughts.)