Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Gratitude Project: A New Apartment

There are many things that have been frustrating (or maybe, just unrealistically expected, if we’re fair) about this move. I kinda thought we’d finally make the break and voila! a house and baby and horse and cupcakes would magically appear within minutes of our arrival on the star-spangled dust of Oregon.

That didn’t happen.

What did happen is that we got super blessed with a brand-new apartment for much less than we were paying in San Clemente. We have new carpets and new cabinets and clean floors (that aren’t cracked, hallelujah!). We have air-tight windows and heaters in every room and more storage space than a girl could wish for, considering the two-bedroom-ness of our little nest. We have a washer and dryer in our apartment, a dishwasher (which has CHANGED my life) and even a tiny deck.

It’s not the beach house, and it’s not the dream house. But it is our house, for now, and I am SO grateful for it and glad to be here.

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