Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Again, with the political-ness…

I’m sorry, but this I had to share.  I find it hard to explain sometimes why I care about politics, why I think it’s important, why I believe that there is such a thing as Compassionate Conservatism and that things are not always as they seem.

Anyway, Andrea Tantaros is young, articulate and a refreshingly kind face for Republicans.  She has written a smart piece on the future of the GOP – and more than that – on the America that we want to leave for future generations.  At least take a look.

2 comments found

  1. Ms. Tantaros offers only one one Republican perspective, but one that many senior party leaders also embrace. Nevertheless, the leaders of The National Council for a New America (Romney, Bush and Cantor) recognize that a big part of the Democrats appeal in the past election — other than the inevitable backlash from the also inevitable recession — was that the Democrats at least tried to convince John Q. Public that the party was listening to the electorate. The Republicans need to do that as well, just as they need to realize that pandering to the religious right is not the way to cultivate a solid voter base.

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