Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

It’s the little things

Yesterday was a giant FAIL.

I got a parking ticket, had to resubmit details for our lease for the third time, was very frustrated with a bajillion work snaffoos, confused about my own creative process and incapable of not going to the grocery store for the 10th time this week.  I felt like I was chasing my tail and not even getting exercise from it. By the time I took Adam his lunch, I was literally banging my head against the steering wheel in tears.

He listened. He hugged. He swore that the sandwich I had made in a hurry (and very poorly) was the best ever, and took the parking ticket from my hand, promising to deal with it for me.

I’m a capable girl. On my own, I could’ve had my little fit and then wiped my eyes and carried on, dealt with my own parking ticket and figured out my own life. But it’s so wonderful to not have to.  I have an incredible husband who picks me up, dusts me off, cares for me and believes in me even when I’m a snot-nosed mess in the parking lot.  I don’t deserve all the little things he does, but it means so much that he does them anyway.

5 comments found

  1. That is so adorable! I can’t wait for you guys to meet Kevin tonight – see you soon!!!

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