Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

No, I haven’t seen LOST yet, so don’t say ANYTHING

Last night I got home a bit later than usual, and went to take a shower before my handsome husband got home. (Even though I’m technically employed now, he still leaves earlier and comes home later than me. Poor fella.) (Also, he likes horses, but probably not when his wife smells like one.)

Anyways, I got all clean and thought, my feet hurt, I’m tired, and we don’t have to go anywhere tonight. I’m gonna wear sleep shorts and a t-shirt and drink a glass of wine thankyouverymuch. But when Adam got home, he wanted to go to Wal-Mart for our backpacking adventure this weekend, so I had to actually put on real clothes and put off the wine until we’d gathered enough survival gear to weather any storm in the backcountry. I was not a totally supportive partner, I’m sorry to note. My hungry crabbiness got the better of me about halfway through our trip, and I interrupted Adam’s deep internal debate on whether or not we need more Emergency Blankets by idly swinging a softball bat in the end of the aisle and declaring, “This isn’t fun anymore! I’m hungry!” And generally being crabby-pants.

Luckily for me, Adam thinks I’m cute even when I’m being annoying, so he just grinned at me and continued putting things in the cart, all of which contain uncomfortable words like “survival” “emergency” “cold” “dirty” “wet” “for when you’re sleeping on rocks”, etc.

I realize that I sound bummed about backpacking. I’m actually not. I love adventures, and I love the Wild Blue Yonder, and I love hiking, and I love my fella, and I actually have my very own Kelty backpack with yellow straps that is very hard-core and I also love.  Part of my problem is that I’ve never had a great backpacking experience, but I keep going on trips in hopes that one day my luck will change and suddenly I’ll be walking down the trail and realize that backpacking is what I was born to do and that I’ve never had so much fun and that I love it.  So I’m still hoping. Adam assures me that this will be the Trip of Change, and that backpacking will never be the same again.  I’m pretty sure he’s right. Either way, I’m positive that I’ve never backpacked with anyone who was so well-prepared, so that has to bode well for us.

But the real crux of the matter is this. We got home a bit late and finally ate dinner, and started watching some “Celebrity Apprentice”. (Things I learned while watching said show: Dennis Rodman is a dummy, “business” consists of begging other rich people for money for something they don’t want, and being a Deal or No Deal model makes you a celebrity.) It was just supposed to be while we waited for LOST to come on, but we got sucked in watched the whole thing and it was too late to watch LOST, so for the first time since we’ve been married we did not watch it live and we are both dying of suspense.

So don’t say anything. And I’m sorry for all the run-on sentences.

1 comment found

  1. “…idly swinging a softball bat in the end of the aisle and declaring, ‘This isn’t fun anymore! I’m hungry!'”

    Oh my word. You are so FRAKKING adorable it’s not even funny.

    I love you. 🙂

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