Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.


I love the rain. It makes me feel inspired and grateful and snuggly.  I want to run through it, splash in it, stay out of it, wear thick socks, watch movies, kiss and hug my honey.  I want to write and drink cofffee, ponder and pray. I remember the downpours of West Texas, the thunderstorms of Eastern Oregon, the rainy January trips to Disneyland as a child.

I’m ready for galoshes and worm-hunting and new raincoats. I’m ready to eat popcorn and drink hot cocoa and share secrets. The rain washes the smog from the sky, the fog from my brain and the smudges off my poor neglected pick-up.  Rain, rain… keep comin’.