Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Serve chilled, with enough whipped cream to adequately smother

A love poem

Oh Pumpkin Pie, how you delight
Your golden hue, how it excites
I could eat you for breakfast, dinner and lunch
I often do, you’re so easy to munch!
Above all others, this season is yours
But unlike other pies, (who sometimes bore)
You’re never dull and you’re always great
You’re always the helping I’m GLAD I ate
In my lattes you make my heart sing
As a dessert you’re better than anything
Whipped cream is your perfect match
Put you two on a plate and there goes! Down the hatch
You’re best when made by Mom’s loving hands
Fresh out of the oven, golden, in high demand
This year, as I’m far away from the home fires
I bought you at CostCo, (where we get big soap and cheap tires)
You were the size of a Pizza, but promised fresh-baked
Even if you were bad, six bucks for pie isn’t faked
But you were delicious, a taste revelation
You also rescued my “bring a dish” obligation
Plus at bulk size, there’s another happy treat
Your leftovers are in my fridge, so I’m gonna go eat

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