Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Gratitude Project: Easy Gluten-Free Foods

Having a major dietary change is really difficult, and sometimes all I want to do is go through a drive-thru or eat some junk. Then I remember that I can’t do that, and so I glumly search for yet another protein bar in my purse, feeling very woebegone because of the lack of cheeseburgers in my life these days.

But then, I head to the grocery store, and wouldn’t you know it, right there on the snack aisle are GF crackers, quick snacks and cookies. Sure, it’s annoying to have to read labels and buy more expensive products, and yes, those fast-food cravings usually can’t be fulfilled, but there are gluten-free options available, and I didn’t have to drive to Portland to get them! Every time I go to a new grocery store I prepare myself to potentially find very little that I can eat, and every time I am amazed by how many good gluten-free options there are. I mean, Trader Joe’s has GF Pumpkin Pancake mix, for crying out loud. My love of all things pumpkin and my previously-dampened holiday spirits soared when I saw that, and I promptly bought two boxes.

Most restaurants now understand and accommodate dietary restrictions, and many people are paying more attention to what they eat, so it’s a relief to not constantly have to explain what gluten is and what I can or can’t eat. I wouldn’t wish dietary restrictions on anyone, but I’m definitely grateful that I live in a town with great groceries and restaurants, with a husband who has gladly given up on a lot of gluten-y goodness, and friends and family who are supportive and give me tips and tricks for GF baking.

Today, I’m grateful for a pantry filled with GF options: for popcorn and Rice Krispies Treats, for cheese and chips and salsa, for pumpkin pancake mix and corn tortillas and rice pasta. Now if someone can just point me in the direction of a decent GF cheeseburger, I’ll be set.