Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

What’s on your…

Stolen from Katie, as most good blog ideas are. Since we’re still settling in to a new home and new hometown, this is my written act of presence and thoughtfulness in the jumble. So, here’s what’s on my…

VANITY: A giant basket of hair potions, make-up, jewelry and baubles of every variety. It really is humongous, and I’m promising Adam that I’ll find a new home for it soon.

PERENNIAL TO DO LIST: Write (there’s always a project unfinished), send out bills to clients (my least favorite part of owning my own business) and clean (something always needs to be cleaned, doesn’t it?)

REFRIGERATOR SHELVES: Diet Coke and Dr Pepper. Tons of condiments, a london broil for cooking tonight and fresh salad stuff. Also some fun Oregon beers, just to keep it interesting.

ITINERARY: Exploring the northwest is definitely in our future. I’m ready for camping, hiking, kayaking, climbing, adventuring.

FANTASY ITINERARY:  Somewhere in the world, someone is going to have a baby, and that baby is going to be a Nichols. My dream is to travel somewhere – Ohio or Africa or somewhere in between – and come home with my baby.

PLAYLIST: Adam made a moving playlist for us, and it was a love letter to me, to us, to our life and our future. It’s all of the hopes and fears and loves of his heart in 17 songs, and it was absolutely perfect. I’m a lucky girl.

NIGHTSTAND:  I don’t have a nightstand anymore, but I throw my phone on the ground by the bed sometimes. I’m a teenager.

WORKOUT PLAN: I was swimming laps a few days a week in San Clemente, and I’ve really missed it. We just got a pass for a local pool and I’m hoping to go often – they also offer yoga classes so that might be fun to get back in to as well. 

PHONE: Words with Friends, Instagram, connection with all my dear ones who are far away now.

TOP 5 LIST: Lavender scented anything, new recipes, Costco, late evening light on open fields, fluffy socks.

BUCKET LIST: Babies/kids/munchkins, growing my business (I’d like to hire more help and actually get a real vacation one of these days), finishing my dang book, traveling to Europe with Adam, overcoming my fear of failure, becoming a proficient and competent English-style horsewoman, whitewater kayaker and rock-climber (all things I enjoy but I wouldn’t say I’m good at).

MIND: What’s next? Why are we here? When do babies come?

BLOGROLL: Think Christian, Glitter Guide, Spoon Fork Bacon, BlogHer

WALLS OF YOUR FAVORITE ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE: My favorite room is our kitchen, so the walls are cupboards. It’s restful and organized and creative and I love it.

LIQUOR SHELF:  SO MANY THINGS. We kind of have a lot of booze, we realized. I have some wine from San Clemente Wine Company, a few mixers and various varieties of whiskey and scotch. Happy Hour at our house tonight?

LAST CREDIT CARD STATEMENT: Ahem. Moving is very expensive. Gas and U-Hauls and storage units and SO MANY THINGS.

SCREENSAVER: The church verse from Mariners. It speaks to my heart and gives me courage.

TV: We’re watching Revolution, although I’m irritated by it more than anything at this point. Why do they keep introducing characters, only to kill them off? Why can’t anyone deal with their emotions without storming out of the room/building/camp? Why can’t Charlie use her facial muscles? Why is the dialogue so obvious? (Next time someone eats a sandwich or gets upset, I expect them to say: “I’m eating a sandwich and I’m upset.” Just to make sure we get it.) Game of Thrones is on, though, and it schools every other show on how to pull off nuanced moodiness and complex characters, so all is not lost.

What’s on your…?

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