Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

31 Days of Writing Prompts

I mentioned that I’m doing daily writing prompts this fall, using the gifts of a super-talented editor-friend and the book Old Friend from Far Away. Since so many bloggers (starting with the incredibly consistent The Nester, can I be a blogger like her when I grow up?) are using October for 31 days of topical blogging, I’m going to hop on the bandwagon and do 31 days of sharing my prompted writing. I need to publish more, to stop over-editing and over-thinking. Plus, how sideways can I go in 10 minutes of writing prompt response? (Don’t answer that.)

I hope you’ll join me in your own 31 days – even if it’s something non-bloggy, like 31 days of keeping your house clean or 31 days of wearing heels. After all, writing prompts are a pleasure for me, a way of expressing a purely literary creativity that isn’t over-analyzed, and I’m excited to share it with you. Maybe, fellow-scribes, you can post your own prompt responses, if you think of them? Could be fun. 🙂