Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

The “Not-Fun Part of Owning Your Own Business” Chronicles: MATH

I’ve worked in a lot of very buttoned-up and professional offices, y’all, and I’m pretty sure that this is how every Power Executive does their taxes:

small business taxesWhat? You don’t think so?

Well, regardless, this floor, with its pile of receipts, notepads and file folders has been my home for the last 48 hours and it is way less than fun, and the kink in my neck probably reveals why more businesses don’t do their accounting while cross-legged on the carpet.

Also, please note the tiny little bottle of nail polish remover trying to hide itself in the upper right hand corner of the photo. Because even though I am not really a nail-polishing kind of girl, I am a wow, these numbers are making my head explode let’s do something else before my brains land all over the floor and make taxes even harder to figure out, plzthx – kind of girl. Which means that my nails look nicer today than they have in some time, if you were wondering.

Also, I finally kindof enjoyed seeing all of my business expenses and profits in one place – I have grown about 300% in one year! I really have nothing to say about that, except: holy cow I am blessed. I also learned that keeping track of those expenses and profits more than just “in my head” might be a good move. Accounting software that cheap and easy (remember that I am a WRITER, not a MATHY person): recommend away, please!

In other happy news, it’s almost 80 degrees outside and I got to eat my lunch in a tanktop on the deck, so I guess that’s another reason that working for myself kindof rocks. Also, since I wasn’t doing much writing today, I got to listen to talk radio all morning and indulge my inner 65-year-old man. So that was nice.

OK, dearies, I’m on day two of telling you the mundane details of my existence. Thank you for sticking with me and I’ll try to do better than just pictures of my cluttered floor in the future.


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