Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Oahu, in pictures, because it was awesome

We rented a Mustang Convertible for our one day in Oahu. Adam was very excited. It was awesome.
I got lei'd. As shown here, I was pretty stoked. (And maybe a little crazy-eyed. You know those tropical climes...)
We found this sweet little beach. It was a bit stormy, so the water was actually warmer than the air. So magnificent.
My handsome hubby at LaniKai Beach.
Yes, this is a beach from LOST. WE ARE SO FAMOUS NOW.
More LOST scenery. The pictures really don't do it justice.
Hawaii 5-0 Headquarters, and King Kamehameha. He was very happy to see us.

Tomorrow, the photo essay continues with KAUAI! Don’t fall asleep, it’ll be totally great and I’ll say something interesting, I promise.

4 comments found

  1. Post more LOST pictures!!! I hope you asked someone to take a pic of you fly-tackling Adam into the surf and wrestling him for a wristwatch. Or something like that. 🙂

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