Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

What do you do when you realize you just Don’t Wanna?

You don’t.

This doesn’t always work, of course. We can’t always get out of distasteful things, and sometimes we need to suck it up and eat our veggies or sweat our tushes off or actually GET SOMETHING DONE now and then. (Pinterest, I’m looking at you.)

But occasionally, it is so, so nice to just say no.

Last night, Mr Hot and Godly and I were packing up to head out for a long and supposedly glorious camping trip, when we suddenly realized that we just Don’t Wanna. So you know what? We’re not.

We’re staying home and (ahem) sleeping in (ahem) and kayaking and making yummy dinners and taking care of each other and being creative, because most of those things have gone away in our latest rush of busyness, and that’s just sad.

I’m so glad that we both Don’t Wanna. It’s gonna be splendid.