Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Things I wonder about. A list.

  • If you come to the gym with your hair and makeup done (in the middle of the day), why is that? Has the gym been good for your dating life? In my experience, the guys who try to pick up girls at the gym are generally about 10 years away from collecting Social Security and smell like ham sandwiches, so I’m curious.
  • Have you ever been pulled over for going through a yellow light? Adam claims that this is possible, and so stops abruptly when lights turn yellow. I think it’s preposterous. Solve our marital spat, pretty please.
  • Who honestly likes soy milk? I’m pretty sure everyone drinks it because they’ve been told it’s healthy and when in doubt, we should always drink something nasty for health’s sake, as we learned from Portlandia:


  • Why is it that I watch an rerun episode of Seinfeld roughly once a year, and yet I’ve seen the same one at least five times? Don’t they have, like, 85 seasons of material to rerun? Am I so predictable that I crave a Seinfeld episode on exactly the same day every year? I think they run the same four episodes constantly, but because the show is supposed to be about nothing, nobody can complain because nobody can explain the plot.
  • Why is it that women can talk for hours about the same subject? Sometimes I amaze myself in this capacity.
  • How come spammers post the same blog comments every day? Do you think I’m finally going to believe that you actually have read my posts and that “cheap zoloft bra sizes” is really a link to a “very helpful site for you and you people”? Do spammy comments ever work on anybody?
  • Why are we meaner to other Christians than we are to anyone else? Last night at church, someone called another denomination a “cult” and I thought about how we would never be so cavalier towards an outsider’s beliefs, but would endeavor to love and trust them so that they would love and trust us in return.
  • Why is shopping fun, but trying things on is pure hell?
  • Why can’t I quit checking my email every five minutes?
  • How do in-crowds work? How does one get in and who says if you’re in or out? And if it’s a “crowd” isn’t it instantly less exclusive, and therefore, less cool? Someone needs to educate me on this, as I was home-schooled and therefore learned about popularity and cattiness late in life.
  • Have high-waisted pants really come back? Are they cute or awful?
  • Can anyone cook a steak in the oven? This seems like a terrible idea, but fancy restaurants aren’t firing up the ol’ Weber Kettle either, so I guess it works. Thoughts?

3 comments found

  1. High-waisted pants are awful. And I despise soy milk (except in chai lattes, oddly), but I’ve lived with several people who actually liked it. I still don’t get it.

    I can’t quit checking my email every five minutes, either. Sigh.

    I wonder if those made-up girls at the gym are coming from day jobs? I know I’ve gone to noon yoga with makeup on before.

    I don’t know why women can turn the same subject over and over ad infinitum, but oh, we can. And sometimes it’s fun. 🙂

  2. I didn’t say running a yellow light… I said going through a yellow light and having it turn red while still in the intersection. It happened OK?!?!

  3. I’m with Katie on liking soy in chai. I honestly think it tastes better, and seems more filling. Because of this I keep trying to like it for its own sake and not really succeeding. I tried soy egg nog this winter and was not impressed. Right now I have chocolate soy milk in the fridge, so that I can feel less guilty about indulging my chocolate milk craving, but I find that it only tastes good when served very very cold.

    Also, restaurants that I’ve worked at that serve steak don’t cook it in the oven. They basically have an indoor open flame grill, sometimes they keep it warm in the oven though.

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