Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Reverb10 – Make

December 6th’s Reverb prompt is: Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?

The answer is, yes. I want to make a lot of things, mostly because I can’t recall the last thing I made, it’s been so long. I’ve been feeling stretched and stressed lately. A combination of obligations and life being life has contributed to my feeling like everybody but me is getting my time and priority. I came home last night and tearfully told Adam I can’t do anymore, which he took perfectly, annoyingly in stride and said, yeah, you’ve been really busy, take a break. Gosh I love him. How is that so simple but so hard?

So today I’m owning it. It’s time for me to make something: for myself, of myself and by myself.

I’m going to take time to make something because I want to. Bread and muffins, pot roasts and pasta, wreaths and note cards, stories and memories – so that I can get refreshed, and keep all of the creative impulse burning inside me from coming out in tears and worry and overwhelmed snot-nosed brattiness. Plus, my honey-bunny likes eating, and cooking is therapeutic for me, so that’s what they call a win-win.

So today I’m clearing time, as the prompt suggests. I’m baking and stewing and writing and fa-la-laing. I expect to be ungloomified tomorrow.

1 comment found

  1. Yes yes yes. I just did some baking (literally, just pulled the cranberry-orange bread out of the oven) because I needed to create something for ME. I hope your creative session ungloomifies you entirely, my dear.

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