Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Like chunky peanut butter and raspberry jam on homemade bread…

…that’s how wonderful love is.

Annie asked the other day if we should have high expectations in our quest for love – and I hold that yes, you must, but don’t ever settle for what you think the best will be – because when the best actually gets here, it’ll be way better. Like smelling my mom’s homemade bread for an hour as it bakes, and then getting to taste it, warm, soft and rustic, melting in my mouth – so much better than I could have imagined off of scent alone.

On Friday, a dear friend got married and I got to be a bridesmaidy. I danced with my love and laughed with my favorite photographer and hugged the teary, radiant bride. A perfect night.

This morning, my hubby and I took a break from busyness and went for a sunrise walk on the beach. We talked about big life stuff and little silly stuff. Like peanut butter and jelly – I can’t imagine having someone who would ever compliment me more or make life tastier – even in my wildest expectations.

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