Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Snippets of Spoiled

A post-it, precariously leaning off the entry table, that reads “You are wonderful!” in Adam’s signature scrawl. Coffee made fresh and early for me, with another Post-It, reminding me to drink it instead of pouring it down the drain.  My phone got eaten by the Pacific Ocean, and instead of suggesting that we merely replace it with another crappy flip-phone of yesteryear, he wants to spoil me with a Droid, the iPhone of AT&T haters. A counter-full of dishes magically becomes clean, burgers are grilled to perfection, the living room is whipped into shape just before guests arrive, I am kissed awake from Sunday afternoon naps and listened to, walked with, hugged and appreciated, taken on dates to eat buckets of popcorn and drink gallons of Diet Coke and watch Stallone blow up bad guys.

Did any girl ever deserve such spoiling?

1 comment found

  1. Awww. I love this, Dani Lin. And I love you. So glad you have such a wonderful man to spoil you. 🙂

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