Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Marriage makes me happy

Mandy and Chris’ wedding rehearsal was last night, and they gave everyone in their bridal party affirmations about who they are and why they are in their wedding.  It was sweet and moving and beautiful and I was so happy to see them moving on to make their own family, supported and loved by friends and family throughout their journey.

Adam and I are just little wedding elves for this one, running around moving flowers and what-not. When they asked us to come up and be affirmed, Mandy said something that made me cry.

“We hope we have a marriage like you guys do.”

What can I say to that? Just a giant thank-you. I love weddings, because I love marriage and everything that it means.

2 comments found

  1. Ahhhhh we love you guys. We love doing life with you, learning from you, and growing with you! You truly are the best.

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