Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

All for the love of BBQ

I love BBQ. Seriously. LOVE. Anything that tastes remotely like “smoky sweet Texas” means I’m in. (It also explains why I like kissing Adam so much, ba-dum-ching!)

Because of this love, (and because of my desire to be sassy and southern) I was recently buffaloed into purchasing BBQ Chex Mix, which is supposed to be new, improved and delicious. I can’t speak to the new, improved part, but delicious it most definitely is not. However, I kept eating it because I still had 20 miles to go and nothing better to eat, and because we all know how I hate to throw stuff away that might still have an ounce of good left in it. I’m a regular Luke Skywalker, doncha know.

So anyhoodle. My “driving to work” snack was a failure. Luckily, I bought a box of Nerds on my way home to mend my broken heart. I know, I’m 11.

In other news, I took a shower this morning, and when I conditioned my curly locks, I realized that my conditioner smells EXACTLY LIKE the shampoo and conditioner I used to put on my dairy cow before taking her to Fair back when I was super cool. It was a BIG DEAL, y’all. We tied our cows up in a giant corral and washed them with great-smelling shampoo and conditioned their tails and scrubbed all the poo off their big hineys.. then loaded them in a trailer for five days of feeding and grooming and showing and getting cow snot all over our new sweet denim shirts in the hopes of winning giant belt buckles. “Don’t mess with 4-H, you might wind up with a cow head in your bed!” If you don’t know what I’m referencing, clearly you need more Jim Gaffigan in your life. Also, I guess my point is that I smell like a cow.

Speaking of smells, one of our best Therapeutic Riding horses, Mr. Te, smelled that I was sucking on a cough drop the other day and get very offended when I told him he couldn’t have one. “Oh Miss Dani!” exclaimed my rider, when I explained why he trying to stick in nose in my face, “He should get a cough drop too!” At which protest I loudly smacked and sucked and “mmm-mmmm-ed” until both Mr. Te and the rider were green with envy.  Why they want to have a sore throat is beyond me, but I did console them both by giving Mr. Te a carrot when we were done, which suits him far better than a cherry cough drop anyway.

Mmmm… cherry cough drops make me want BBQ. Off to find a tasty version…