Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Just sayin’

I love Christians. I really do. But sometimes I am just so frustrated with the apathy that surrounds our faith.  Why are we so focused on ourselves and our comfortable little bubble of Christendom? It seems to me that there’s two brands of Christians – the ones who are comfortable in the bubble and those who are so uncomfortable with it that they can’t even relate to the world as a Christian, but rather hide behind vague comments on faith and a little g god.

I’m not trying to be condemning…. I know that it’s hard to know what to say and how to say it lovingly. I know that we all struggle with how much we should care about big world things, and how much to get our tails in a twist when culture openly ignores or mocks what we believe.  Today I don’t have a pretty way to say this, and I’m not trying to point fingers or tell you I have it all figured out. I just want to ask the question – is what we do – are our opinions and actions – the image of God we want to show the world? Should our politics be governed by those who only use faith references when it’s convenient to woo voters, and should we stand for it? Should we allow everybody else to create art, music and culture and not be willing to give our own voice to the world? Are we so ashamed of our views?

I’m not suggesting we bash people over the head with our opinions. But I’m also tired of Christians as the only ones unwilling to actually weigh in on culture, particularly us young cool people with our reputations and hipness. Jesus is offensive, just because of who he is. Are we trying to cover Him up and make Him more palatable, or are we willing to stand by the things He said?