Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

On drizzles and love and pumpkin-flavored things

It’s raining today and I am blissfully aware of how awesome rainy days are.  I’ve been making tortilla soup and Christmas cookies, putting together gifts and writing bits of nothing. I had a very rainy-day lunch with my hubby of grilled cheese and tomato soup, and I just tried one of my new pumpkin-flavored cookies and got really excited for Christmas all over again.

Last night Adam took me to go see “A Christmas Carol” – of course I loved it.  I’ve read “A Christmas Carol” every year since I was a freshman in high school, so I might know if they deviated from the original text, which I’m pleased to say they did not. Plus, we got to wear cool 3-D glasses, which made us laugh and look like Squints.

I’ve just realized that this is very Puke of the Brain-esque – and so I’m sorry that my posts lately have been all about snotty noses and rainy days and little things, but that’s kind of life right now, and I’m kind of OK with it. It’s nice to have evenings home with my fella, to get excited about silly things like clean sheets and finally finding Sam Adams Winter Classics at CostCo. This is a good day – we have presents under our baby tree, I turn 26 in five days, and it’s raining. Oh, and I have pumpkin-flavored cookies to eat… so I guess I’ll go do that.

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