Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

“Explain one thing to me: what kind of desperate and pathetic emotional cripple would actually buy that as an ending?”


Dear Kay Jewelers,

Even I (a self-avowed emotional cripple who regularly cries at Mastercard commercials) cannot stand your grossly overstated attempts at capturing romantic depth. Please stop, because it’s getting ridiculous and sort of creepy. Guys know diamonds work, but what you fail to mention is that sleaze (and cheesy lines) even when accompanied by sparkly things, do not.

My kisses begin with everything but Kay,


(Bonus points if you can name the movie the title comes from.)

3 comments found

  1. haha – win a date with tad hamilton!!! love that quote.

    ps, thanks for posting this.. that kay commercial makes me want to vomit. and im super hopeless romantic for life, so thats sayin something.

    haha, love you!

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