Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

I designed a book, it’s quite good, you should read it.*

First off, it’s funny that awesomely bad tales of my ineptitude at life are my blogging “bestsellers” if comments were cash and all of you faithful readers were reviewers. (For the record, I think you should be. You seem to like my tales of neurosis, so you have great taste, obvy.)

So thanks for reading and commenting and making me feel like my daily doses of woe and befuddlement are good for at least a chuckle or two.

But now we come to the point of this post – I DESIGNED A BOOK COVER! TA-DA:

Christian Writing Anthology Cover

I’ve done a lot of business cards, website stuff, brochures and the like, but this is probably my biggest project. It’s an anthology of Christian fiction, and it’s all really well-written. If you want, you can buy it here.

*The title is an Oxford 2004 inside joke… sorry if you don’t get it, guess you shoulda’ been there. 🙂

5 comments found

  1. That cover is certain to be attention-grabbing. Congratulations. Readers of your book will also like mine, Angela 1: Starting Over. Just go to my website if interested. Thanks!

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