Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.

Don’t panic! I’m still alive. (You were worried, weren’t ya.)

I know that my silence is deafening on this here blog, so I wanted to speak up and say yes, I am here, no, I have not been eaten by a large furry animal with sharp teeth, and yes, I have reasons for this very annoying and obvious lack of blog-dom responsibility.

Reason #1: My life has taken an insanely busy and panting turn.

Reason #2: I might have looked at this very page many a time and decided that I have nothing worthwhile to say. MIGHT.

But today, that all changes, as I have a half-hour to my name and tons of news to divulge.

Like… um…. I’m busy. Crap I said that already. Um… We’re out of milk and really need cheese and we might have lost our minds and invited 35 people over to watch the Cowboys game on Sunday… hellifiknow where they’ll sit or what they’ll eat.

I’m also going to Nashville (for something EEEEEEE-worthy) in less than a month. Getting certified to teach kidlets to ride horseys in a little more than a month. Loving my husband every day. Grateful for my life.

Oh and REALLY busy. (I promise I’ll write more. Sometime.)

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