Wrangler Dani

Writer, editor, wife, adoptive mama and cowgirl living in beautiful Central Oregon.


Today my husband came home and we went to the beach to enjoy sandwiches and warm Pacific waters and the last vestiges of a recent Southern swell.  We jumped in the water for a quick swim and it felt great and we laughed at each other when we realized that we live here.

An hour is not that long. We went back home and he went back to work and I did daily things, like blogging jobs and editing things and laundry. And this is where it gets gross.

I started whining to myself about Adam’s short (normal) lunch hours, how we have warm water and a Southern swell right now and so we should be surfing all day, and how I hate money and jobs and other ungrateful things. Then Jesus showed up and punched me in my icky ungrateful face and I kindof wanted to break up with myself.

So I’m working on contentment. We can go to the beach for an hour. We love each other like crazycakes. We have good friends, good family, and a good life.  Thanks, Jesus, for punching me just hard enough that I remembered how sweet I have it.

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